Seven Lives Lost In An Accident In Abia

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Seven Lives Lost In An Accident In Abia



Seven Lives Lost In An Accident In Abia
Seven Lives Lost In An Accident In Abia


A fatal accident that occured on Monday along the Aba-Ikot Ekpene road in Abia State have left seven persons dead.

The accident which involved a Toyota Sienna bus belonging to an Akwa Ibom State based transport company and a red coloured tipper conveying wet sand happened at Ukpakiri junction along the Federal road, where the two vehicles collided.

According to an eye witness, most of the victims were passengers traveling inside the Toyota Sienna Bus.

As at the time of filing this report, no official statement had been made about the cause of the accident or the actual number of victims.

But some residents and transporters along the road blamed over speeding on the part of the Toyota Sienna driver for the accident.

However, some residents claimed that a break failure suffered by the tipper led to the accident.

© Daniel Chibuike


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