RIDGE CLUB UMUAHIA: Members Tasked On Assistance For Good Governance

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RIDGE CLUB UMUAHIA: Members Tasked On Assistance For Good Governance





The Chief of Staff to the Governor of Abia state, Pastor Caleb Ajagba has called on members of Ridge Club Umuahia to join hands with Governor Alex Otti in making Abia a reference point for good governance and excellence.

Pastor Ajagba who made the call at Government House Umuahia, when he received a delegation from Ridge Club Umuahia, stressed the need for them to be at the forefront of driving the developmental agenda of Governor Otti across the state.



The Chief of Staff to the Governor while identifying vision as a key element to achieving success in life, noted that the Governor has come to right the wrongs as the citizens are today proud to be called and addressed as Abians.

He commended the club for their support to the present administration in the state, and urged them to ensure they leave a lasting legacy, get involved in numerous humanitarian activities and provide the right mentorship to the younger generations to enable them become responsible citizens of the state and nation at large.



In his speech, the Chairman of Ridge Club Umuahia, Sir Emma Nwabuko explained that the club which was formed in 1920 is a sporting and recreational
club that helps in the promotion of
sports, social and recreation activities for
members, their families and authorised guests.

Sir Nwabuko disclosed that the club being an intelligent one, also creates an avenue for her members to come together and discuss constructively as well as develop ideas that will help in the overall development of the state.

He further intimated the Chief of Staff to the Governor on the club’s decision to install Governor Alex Otti as the president of the club which according to him is the statutory right of any Governor of the state in line with the club’s constitution.

In a vote of thanks, Chief Sampson Anagha thanked Pastor Ajagba for his fatherly advice and warm reception accorded them and pledged the club’s unalloyed support to the present administration in the state.

The Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Finance, Dr Anthony Nwaubani among other top government officials were present during the visit.


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